Perhaps you are the guardian or parents of some young children who has just recently begun making use of the world-wide-web. When a youngster gets to middle school usually around the age of 12 or 13, they'll start to depend on the internet a whole lot more, especially with school work. However, as their parent or guardian, it's essential to keep in mind that school work is not the only thing they'll be using the web for. Unfortunately, many kids including teenagers will make use of the web as a simple means to connect with their close friends or perhaps to even meet new acquaintances.
The capability to utilize the internet to make new friends as well as connect with existing ones seems quite cool initially, however, it's important to keep the following in mind. The Internet can be a very dangerous place and filled with child predators and they want to target your unsuspecting and innocent kids. These predators usually hide behind a computer screen and pretend to be someone else. This is why it's crucial to educate your children with some Internet Safety Facts and Rules for when they are browsing the world-wide-web.
You can simply begin by letting your kids recognize the importance of protecting their personal information as well as yours while they are online. Make your kids understand that there's really no need for them to divulge any kind of important information such as their address, phone numbers, or social security numbers. They should never give this important personal information to anyone online and that they need your permission if someone happens to ask for it. The reason being, people lie to commit fraud or even worse, child predators wanting more information to get to your kids.
You'll want to further educate your kids about the importance of posting personal images or videos online too. It's sad to say that this is something kids like to do without even giving it a second thought. For example, just visit any one of the popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and etc., you'll quickly notice just how many kids and teenagers are posting their personal images and videos of themselves online. This can be a very dangerous practice especially when details like a city or school are being revealed in the background. The predator now has a better idea of where your child is from and it just makes it easier for them to find and target. If your kids still really want to publish images or videos of themselves, make it a rule for them to get your approval first.Buy TikTok likes
Make certain that your child understands that they are never permitted to meet someone in person whom they have only met online. This is a crucial point because it's how many kids and teenagers become victims of these child predators who are lurking online. If indeed an in-person meeting must take place for a school assignment or something along that line, make sure you accompany your child, tell others of the meeting, and make it a public place.
A very popular place that child predators like to hang out online is in chat rooms. This is why very important for you to set rules and guidelines for the use of these websites. As a parent or guardian, it's your decision to whether or not allow your kids to use them, granted some online education classes do require the use of such platforms. If that's the case, it's your decision to either monitor your kids or home-school them. If you do choose to allow your kids to use the chat rooms and social media websites, the very least you can and should do is to set their profile page to private so that only their classmates can enter the chats. It's also suggested that you routinely monitor the websites your children visit to make sure your personal information has not been compromised.